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By Hendrik A. Kooijman and Ross Taylor

For more information on latest version of Chemsep click here

Department of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699



  • ChemSep is a program for performing multicomponent separation process calculations. ChemSep was created specifically for use in courses on thermodynamics and/or separation processes.
  • ChemSep integrates flash, the classic equilibrium stage column model and a nonequilibrium or rate-based column model in one easy to use program.
  • Graphical User Interface: New in Release 5.0 is a graphical user interface for Windows that retains much of the look and feel of the classic ChemSep interface. Problem solving is even easier with the new version however; new features make navigation within the interface much faster and the novice is taken through the problem solving process in a natural way. Input may include simple algebraic calculations as well as units. ChemSep checks your input, lets you know when each phase of problem setup is complete, and flags potential sources of difficulty before running a simulation.
  • Nonequilibrium column model: Taking the guesswork out of column simulation, ChemSep features a sophisticated nonequilibrium or rate-based model. The model in ChemSep includes the only available rate-based model for liquid-liquid extraction. The built in Design Mode allows the engineer to use proven rate-based technology in preliminary design. ChemSep features more column mass transfer coefficient correlations than any other similar model.
  • Databank: ChemSep comes with a databank of 189 common chemicals. Available at additional cost is a license to the industry standard DIPPR databank of over 1000 chemicals. Users can create their own libraries of physical property data. Chemical formula, structure, CAS number, or one of 50+ property values including temperature dependant properties can be used to select components.
  • Thermodynamic and Physical Property Models: ChemSep includes almost all of the most widely used thermodynamic models: 7 K-value models including DECHEMA (modified Raoult's law), Equation of State, and Chao-Seader; 10 Activity coefficient models including UNIFAC; and 8 equations of state including Peng-Robinson and Hayden-O'Connell (with chemical theory). ChemSep also includes a large number of physical property models (viscosity, thermal conductivity, surface tension, diffusivity) that are needed in nonequilibrium column modeling.
  • Performance Correlations: ChemSep includes over 40 correlations for mass transfer coefficients in different types of column, as well as 18 different ways to estimate pressure drop and 16 for holdup.
  • Degrees of Freedom Analysis: ChemSep tells you the number of degrees of freedom and identifies how many variables remain to be specified.
  • Powerful plotting capabilities: ChemSep has extensive support for plotting almost any kind of column profile including composition, flow, temperature, pressure, K-values, and much more. The plots are completely configurable. ChemSep uses the Open Source package Gnuplot (for Windows) to display a plot in its own separate window. Plots may be pasted directly into a word processor. Users can design their own plots and include them in the pull-down plot selection list for future use. From the results of a nonequilibrium simulation one can plot profiles of any physical property as well as numerous design-related variables such as froth height in a tray column, approach to flooding, or specific interfacial area (these are just a few of many variables that can be plotted).
  • McCabe-Thiele Diagrams are a standard feature in ChemSep (even for multicomponent systems).
  • Export: Simulation results may be saved in a variety of formats such as text, html and csv. Tables and graphs may be sent directly to a text editor such as Notepad or spreadsheet program such as Excel.

A great deal more information about ChemSep may be found on our web page.



A version of ChemSep with limited functionality is available for free download from ChemSep-Lite is limited to no more than four components, a databank with a limited number of components, no more than 50 stages in a column simulation, and no nonequilibrium model.


To order, email , and you will be contacted to complete payment.

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