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Updates to the CACHE Teaching Resources Center

John Falconer

Significant improvements have been made to the CACHE Teaching Resources Center (TRC) ( in the last year.  Additional faculty have been added to most of the pages to help maintain and improve the resources. In addition, three new courses were added; computer programming, optimization, and unit operations laboratories. These resources can lessen the time needed for course preparation, help improve teaching, and help faculty incorporate more computer-based methods into their courses. Resources, which are available for all the chemical engineering core courses and a few other courses, include links to syllabi, screencasts, simulations, software, and modules, and for some courses complete sets of course notes. The unit operations laboratories has links to both physical laboratories and virtual laboratories. As part of our efforts to improve the TRC, we are looking for faculty who can help us maintain pages for four courses: Heat and mass transfer, Fluid mechanics, Kinetics/reaction Engineering, and Introduction to chemical engineering. Contact John Falconer ( if you are interested.

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