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CACHE Trustee Sapna Sarupria wins the 2024 CoMSEF Impact Award

Prof. Sarupria from the University of Minnesota is recognized for her numerous contributions to the advancement of computational methods for studying rare events, her service to the broader research community, and her dedicated advocacy for diversity and inclusivity in STEM and higher education.

From an article by the University of Minnesota:

The Sarupria lab is called the SAMPEL lab (SAMPEL = Simulations and Advanced Methods for Probing Energy Landscapes). SAMPEL uses molecular simulations and statistical mechanics to study condensed phase phenomena. They also develop and apply rare event path sampling techniques. These techniques enable accessing processes that involve high free energy barriers and are typically inaccessible in straightforward molecular simulations.

CoMSEF is the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum of the AIChE. It is for the combined community of engineers and scientists who are developing and applying molecularly based theories, modeling, and simulation. Its scope of technical interests includes chemical, biological, and materials processes and products. A key feature is joining molecularly based modeling with the other computational methodologies that are used in the chemical engineering sciences for research, development, operations, and education.

More info about Prof. Sarupria and the award is available here: LINK


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