Mario Eden, Auburn's dean of engineering and McMillan Chair, was recently elected American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fellow. Fellow is the AIChE's highest membership grade and is elected by the Institute's Board of Directors.
From the news article by John McAdory:
“I’m very grateful and humbled by this honor,” said Eden, who previously served as professor, and later Department of Chemical Engineering chair before being named dean of engineering in April 2023. “For this organization, it’s not just about individual accomplishments or accolades, it’s also about what you have done for the profession. Knowing that your peers value your service as well as your professional contributions is very gratifying.”
Eden has served in various AIChE leadership roles, including Chair of AIChE’s Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) division, and was a recipient of their Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2014 as well as their Award for Excellence and Service in 2021. Eden is also an elected trustee and current Vice President of Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering (CACHE) and co-chaired the 2014 Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) and the 2018 Process Systems Engineering (PSE) conferences.
Auburn's news article about the honor can be found here: LINK
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