Congrats to Martha Grover (President), Mario Eden (Vice President), and Jean Tom (Treasurer) who were elected at the summer trustees meeting in Chicago!
Martha Grover |
Following two-year terms as CACHE Secretary and Vice President, Martha was elected to a term as President. She is Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies; Thomas A. Fanning Chair in Equity Centered Engineering; ; and ADVANCE Professor, College of Engineering at Georgia Tech. She has been a CACHE Trustee since 2016. |
Mario Eden |
After a two-year term as CACHE Secretary, Mario was elected to a term as Vice President. He is Auburn's dean of engineering and McMillan Chair, was recently elected American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fellow. He has been a CACHE Trustee since 2015. |
Jean Tom |
Jean was elected CACHE Secretary. After a highly impactful and successful industrial career at Bristol Myers Squibb and Merck, Jean recently retired and took a role in academia...first as a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and more recently as a professor of practice on the chemical and biological engineering faculty at Princeton. She has been a CACHE Trustee since 2020. |
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