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Congratulations to the New CACHE Officers Elected at the Summer Trustees Meeting

Congrats to Martha Grover (President), Mario Eden (Vice President), and Jean Tom (Treasurer) who were elected at the summer trustees meeting in Chicago!

Martha Grover

Following two-year terms as CACHE Secretary and Vice President, Martha was elected to a term as President. She is Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies; Thomas A. Fanning Chair in Equity Centered Engineering; ; and ADVANCE Professor, College of Engineering at Georgia Tech. She has been a CACHE Trustee since 2016.

Mario Eden
Vice President

After a two-year term as CACHE Secretary, Mario was elected to a term as Vice President. He is Auburn's dean of engineering and McMillan Chair, was recently elected American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fellow. He has been a CACHE Trustee since  2015.

Jean Tom

Jean was elected CACHE Secretary. After a highly impactful and successful industrial career at Bristol Myers Squibb and Merck, Jean recently retired and took a role in academia...first as a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and more recently as a professor of practice on the chemical and biological engineering faculty at Princeton. She has been a CACHE Trustee since 2020.


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