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Molecular modelers gather in Utah for FOMMS 2024

Jim Pfaendtner

The ninth Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS) conference took place from July 28 to August 1, 2024, at the Snowbird Resort in Utah. Organized by the Molecular Modeling Task Force (MMTF) of the CACHE Corporation, this conference continues the tradition of previous FOMMS events, offering a platform for leaders in molecular modeling and simulation to discuss recent advancements and challenges in the field. The conference was chaired by Jim Pfaendtner (NC State) and co-chaired by Shikha Nangia (Syracuse) and Pieter in’t veld (BASF).

The conference program included sessions focused on key topics such as machine learning and artificial intelligence in molecular modeling, advances in material simulations, catalysis, reaction engineering, and biomolecular simulations. Notable sessions include a keynote address by Mark Tuckerman on "Crystal Math" and presentations on cutting-edge research from worldwide leaders in the field. A Monday AM plenary by Nathan Baker (Microsoft Azure) shared advances and the future potential of the Azure Quantum Elements platform, highlighting the many areas that FOMMS attendees could benefit from this system from automated workflows to future quantum computing applications. Microsoft Azure was also a platinum sponsor for the event.



FOMMS 2024 featured panel discussions on best practices for publishing in molecular modeling and simulation, and on career opportunities in the field. Two poster sessions were extremely well attended by the over 180 registered individuals at the meeting – an all time FOMMS record.

The conference concluded with the presentation of the 2024 FOMMS medal to Sharon Glotzer (University of Michigan) and a screening of, "FOMMS 2024: The Movie," produced by Chris Wilmer. The meeting culminated with a Thursday evening banquet. Claire Adjiman (Imperial College, London) was selected as the Chair of the 10th FOMMS meeting to be held in 2026 or 2027 (TBD).

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