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UCSB's Prof. James B. Rawlings wins AIChE's Warren K. Lewis Award for Chemical Engineering Education

From an article published by UCSB's Chemical Engineering Department (LINK):

Rawlings’s research interests are in the areas of chemical process modeling, monitoring and control, model predictive control, and molecular-scale reaction engineering. Driven by his groundbreaking research during the past thirty years, model predictive control has become the process industry’s advanced control method of choice, estimated to have improved industrial profitability by more than $1 billion per year. Rawlings has written nearly 250 published articles, and his work has been cited more than 47,000 times according to Google Scholar. He has co-authored three lauded textbooks: Model Predictive Control: Theory Computation, and Design, 2nd edition (2020); Modeling and Analysis Principles for Chemical and Biological Engineers, (2013); and Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design Fundamentals, 2nd edition (2020).  Rawlings has also taught numerous short courses on advanced state estimation and model predictive control at companies and universities. 

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