The David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education is administrated by the Computing & Systems Technology Division (CAST) of the AIChE and is sponsored by CACHE. The award recognizes an individual or group making new and novel contributions to computer aids for chemical engineering education. Educational innovators working in industry or in a company that develops computer-based educational aids are also eligible for the award. Specifically, the nomination and the citation for the award must refer to a significant contribution to computer-based chemical engineering education within the past decade.
The 2023 award recognizes four professors (Prof. Dan Anastasio of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Prof. Cheryl Bodnar of Rowan University, Prof. Dan Burkey of the University of Connecticut, and Prof. Matt Cooper of N.C. State University) for their contributions to Contents Under Pressure, a digital immersive game that allows students to take on the role of a supervisor at a chemical production facility.
You can read more about the award, the game, and each of the award recipients at the following links:
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