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Thomas and Donna Edgar CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education

Current winner: no winner for 2023  
Administered by: American Society for Engineering Education, sponsored by CACHE Corporation
Qualifications: Presented for significant contributions in the development of computer aids for chemical engineering education
Award specifics: A plaque and a $1,000 honorarium
Deadline: January 15th (each year). Nomination information/form is available at
Presentation: Presented at the Chemical Engineering Division awards banquet held at the ASEE Annual Conference
Previous Winners: 2022 Rafiqul Gani (PSE for Speed)
2021 John Falconer
2020 Matthew Liberatore 
2019 Scott Fogler
2018 Jennifer Sinclair Curtis
2017 (no winner)
2016 Milo Koretsky
2015 George Stephanopoulos
2014 Jim Henry
2013 Edward Rosen
2012 Stanley Sandler
2011 Michael E. Hanyak, Jr.
2010 Duncan Mellichamp
2009 Brice Carnahan
2008 Bruce A. Finlayson
2007 Lorenz T. Biegler
2006 James M. Douglas
2005 David M. Himmeblau
2004 J.D. Seader
2003 Arthur W. Westerberg
2002 Ernest J. Henley
2000 Mordechai Shacham
1997 Douglas J. Cooper
1996 Kenneth R. Jolls


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