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Evans Award

Lawrence B. Evans Award in Chemical Engineering Practice

Current winner:

Jack Dever (AVN Corporation)

Administered by: AIChE, sponsored by CACHE Corporation
Description: This award recognizes an individual for substantial lifetime achievement in one or more aspects of industrial chemical engineering practice, including management, leadership, research, publications, technology development, patents, engineering and construction, process operations and supply-chain management, sales and marketing, design, manufacturing, economic analysis, planning, business development, and entrepreneurship.
Award specifics: $3,000, plus a $500 travel allowance; a plaque. For eligibility and nomination information, click here.  
Deadline: February 15 (each year)
Presentation: Presented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Previous Winners: 2022 Paul Witt (Dow)
2021 Sarah Eckersley (Dow)
2020 Shailendra Bordawekar (AbbVie, Inc.)
2019 John M. Wassick (Dow)
2018 Ronald R. Chance (Algenol Biotech LLC)
2017 no winner
2016 Richard Korsmeyer (Pfizer, Inc.)
2015 Karl V. Jacob (Dow)
2014 Carmo Pereira
2013 Jan Lerou
2012 Winston Ho
2011 Paul F. Mackenzie
2010 Teh C. Ho
2009 Jeffrey J. Siirola
2008 Lisa Brannon-Peppas
2007 Neil Yeoman
2006 Rakesh Agrawal
2005 Adam Heller
2003 Bipin V. Vora
2002 James A. Trainham, III
2001 M. M. Bhasin
2000 N. N. Li
1999 L. B. Evans
1998 V. L. Magnotta
1997 A. E. Stancell
1996 W. D. Smith, Jr
1994 H. A. Huckins
1993 M. Gans
1992 L. A. Robbins
1991 B. L. Tarmy
1990 F. G. Dwyer
1989 W. G. May
1988 K. McHenry, Jr
1987 T. W. Russell
1986 R. Katzen
1986 R. Katzen
1985 F. A. Zenz
1984 J. F. Valle-Riestra
1983 W. R. Epperly
1982 R. B. Macmullin
1981 W. G. Schlinger
1980 D. K. Beavon
1979 J. Longwell
1978 J. W. Scott
1977 D. Brown
1976 J. M. Geist
1975 J. R. Fair, Jr
1974 R. G. Heitz


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