Current winner: | Fani Boukouvala, Martha Grover, Andrew Medford, Carson Meredith, and David Sholl (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
Administered by: | This award is funded by colleagues and family of Dr. David Himmelblau and the CACHE Corporation, and is administered by the AIChE CAST Division. |
Qualifications: | Recognizes an individual or group making new and novel contributions to computer aids for chemical engineering education. Educational innovators working in industry or in a company that develops computer-based educational aids are also eligible for the award. Specifically, the nomination and the citation for the award must refer to a significant contribution to computer-based chemical engineering education within the past decade. |
Award specifics: | A plaque and $1,000 honorarium |
Deadline: | April 15 (each year) |
Presentation: | Presented at the CAST Division dinner at the AIChE Annual Meeting. The award winner will give an invited talk in the CACHE-sponsored session at the AIChE Annual Meeting. |
Nomination packages should include a completed AIChE award nomination form and no more than five supporting letters. CAST nomination packages should be emailed to the CAST Division Second Vice-Chair. Electronic submissions are encouraged.
For more information, click here.
Previous Winners:
2023 Daniel Burkey (University of Connecticut)
2022 Ashlee N. Ford Versypt (University at Buffalo)
2021 Thomas Adams (McMaster University)
2020 Daniel E. Rivera (Arizona State)
2019 William Schiesser (Lehigh)
2018 Martha Grover (Georgia Tech)
2017 Jason Bara (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa)
2016 Jeffrey J. Gray (Johns Hopkins University)
2015 John L. Falconer, Janet deGrazia, J.Will Medlin, Garret N. Nicodemus (University of Colorado Boulder)
2014 John Hedengren (Brigham Young University)
2013 Jason Keith (Mississippi State University)
2012 David A. Kofke and Andrew J. Schultz (State University of New York at Buffalo)
2011 Frank Doyle (UCSB), Ed Gatzke (U. South Carolina), and Bob Parker (U. Pittsburgh)
2010 Michael Cutlip (University of Connecticut) and Mordecai Shacham (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
2009 Daniel Lewin (Technion)
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