Future of Cyber Assisted Chemical Engineering Education
Beaver Run Resort, Breckenridge, CO
July 19 - 20, 2019
On July 14, 1969 the proposal founding the Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering Committee was submitted to the NSF and the first official meeting of the CACHE organization was held on November 18, 1969 in Washington DC. From its inception, CACHE has promoted the development and distribution of technology-based materials and software in chemical engineering education through projects applying computational chemical engineering, sponsoring conferences, recognizing outstanding contributions, and providing leadership in chemical engineering education.
While this anniversary provides an opportunity to review and celebrate the accomplishments of CACHE over this 50-year period, the primary goal of this Conference is to bring together leaders in the chemical engineering discipline to explore and discuss future directions: hence the theme "Future of Cyber-Assisted Chemical Engineering Education". The program will include presentations by CACHE leaders, current and past, highlighting the accomplishments and reviewing current thrusts of CACHE in educational products and conferences. It will feature five plenary speakers offering their views of important directions in cyber-assisted education. It will involve sessions of invited oral and poster presentation by outstanding young faculty who are innovating in the development of educational media, exploring novel ways of organizing student-instructor interactions to enhance learning and experimenting with alternative knowledge delivery modes. These innovations promise to have impact across the chemical engineering curriculum at all degree levels.
Conference Planning Committee
Conference Program
Friday, July 19
2:00 pm: Conference Welcome: Wayne Bequette
2:15 pm: Review of CACHE Accomplishments
3:45 pm: Break
4:00 pm: Current CACHE Initiatives
5:30 pm: Reception and Poster Session (presentations/demonstrations by young faculty)
6:30 pm: Casual Dinner
Saturday, July 20
8:30 am: Future Directions in Cyber-Enabled ChE Education
10:00 am: Break
10:30 am: Future Directions in Cyber-Enabled ChE Education
11:30 am: Panel Discussion
12:30 pm: Lunch
1:30 pm: Innovation Forum (9-minute presentations by invited Young Faculty)
3:00 pm: Break
3:30 pm: Innovation Forum (9-minute presentations by invited Young Faculty)
5:00 pm: Survey: Computing in Chemical Engineering
Martha Grover (Georgia Tech) & Robert Hesketh (Rowan University)
5:15 pm: Adjourn
6:30 pm: Reception and Poster Session (presentations/demonstrations by young faculty)
7:30 pm: Conference Banquet
Speaker: Dr. John L. Anderson, President - National Academy of Engineering
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