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CACHE Trustee and Current Vice President Martha Grover Named Thomas A. Fanning Chair in Equity Centered Engineering at Georgia Tech

Jason Maderer

As highlighted by Georgia Tech's College of Engineering:

Grover was selected for her efforts to educate engineers who approach their work with an intent to close societal gaps of wealth, power, and privilege by ensuring equitable access to opportunity. 

The endowed position was established via the Southern Company Foundation by Southern Company, which has been regularly recognized for its efforts to promote an organizational culture that ensures representation of all groups. Fanning recently retired as chairman, president, and CEO.


“Martha is one of the College’s strongest advocates for inclusive excellence in research and instruction. Her efforts and advocacy over the years have certainly contributed to our success, and I look forward to collaborating with her on her future objectives and initiatives,” said Raheem Beyah, dean and Southern Company Chair. “I’m also thankful for the leadership shown by the Southern Company and Tom in this area, as well as their alignment with the shared values of the College and their investments to support them.”

More details about Prof. Grover and here research and educational efforts are available here: Martha Grover Named Thomas A. Fanning Chair in Equity Centered Engineering

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