CACHE Trustee and current Secretary Mario Eden appointed dean of Auburn's College of Engineering. Eden remarked (LINK):
“Serving Auburn University’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering has been one of the greatest blessings of my life,” Eden said. “I am so thankful for the chemical engineering department faculty, staff, students and alumni for the past decade, and I am humbled at this opportunity to take Auburn Engineering to the next level. This is truly a group effort, and together we can achieve even greater things because we believe in Auburn and love it.”
Prior to his appointment as dean, Eden had a very successful tenure as chair of the chemical engineering department (LINK):
As the chemical engineering department chair, Eden led the department to its highest-ever U.S. News & World Report Graduate Program ranking; increased undergraduate enrollment to record numbers with incoming freshmen with ACT scores of 30 or higher for 11 years in a row; successfully added 17 tenure-track faculty members and two full-time lecturers during the past 10 years, including the department achieving the highest percentage of female full professors among any chemical engineering department in the country; increased philanthropic support of the program by millions of dollars; and successfully led the department through the national accreditation process in 2016 and 2022.
More details about Eden's career and accomplishments are available in a recent article by Auburn's Austin Phillips:
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