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CACHE Trustee Francis J. Doyle III appointed provost of Brown University

Francis J. Doyle III, CAHCE trustee since 1999 and former member of the CACHE Executive Committee as Secretary (2002-2003, Vice President (2006-2007), and President (2008-2009), has been appointed provost of Brown University. Before joining Brown, Doyle served as engineering dean at Harvard since 2015.

About this new opportunity, Doyle remarked (LINK):

The provost position at Brown is an incredible opportunity to lead the academic and research enterprise of a world-class university through a period of ambitious expansion. This resonates strongly with my intrinsic character as an entrepreneur, and as someone with a growth mindset who thrives in an environment of dynamic change.

As described by Brown (LINK):

Doyle will be Brown’s chief academic officer in the role of provost, which is second in seniority at the University and serves as an essential partner to the president. The provost works closely with senior deans, faculty and other administrative colleagues to advance Brown’s commitment to the liberal arts and distinctive interdisciplinary approach to education and research. Doyle will play a lead role in developing and stewarding operational plans for the University’s Building on Distinction strategic plan; growing Brown’s research enterprise; elevating the importance of the arts and humanities; advancing the Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan; and enhancing academic excellence and innovation.


...Doyle is a sailor, a passionate soccer referee and a father of three. He’s also partially responsible for the development of the artificial pancreas...

More detailed descriptions of Doyle's career and accomplishments and his new role at Brown can be found in recent articles from the university:

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