Jim Pfaendtner has been named the Louis Martin-Vega Dean of the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University effective August 1.
Regarding his previous role (LINK):
Pfaendtner serves as chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington. There, he leads departmental scholarly and educational activities. This includes the implementation of a broad strategic initiative in infusing research and teaching with machine learning, AI and data science; expanding and strengthening the visibility and role of the department’s diversity, equity and inclusion committee; expanding the department’s philanthropic work; raising more than $10 million in major gifts including five new graduate fellowships; and elevating the college’s efforts in faculty affairs and postdoctoral development.
Pfaendtner commented:
“NC State’s College of Engineering provides the nation’s best undergraduate and graduate engineering experience,” said Pfaendtner. “I am honored to lead the college as it continues to expand and set the bar for engineering in higher education, and I look forward to working with all the college’s faculty, staff and students to keep the college’s momentum going strong.”
More info about Jim's career and his new role is available here:
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