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Development of Computational-Based Tools and Modules for Chemical Engineering Education

The CACHE Corporation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to promote cooperation among universities, industry and government in the development and distribution of computer-related and/or technology-based educational aids for the chemical engineering profession. For more than fifty years, CACHE has played a key role in the development and dissemination of educational tools and modules to the chemical engineering profession.

Project Goal

This program seeks to fund 12-month-long projects (maximum budget of $5000 per project) that focus on the development of novel computational-based educational modules or tools.

The current round of awards were made in September 2022.

Educational Modules and Tools

Title Principal Investigator Institution Final Report Other Links Year
Interactive online visualization-based data science modules for chemical and biomolecular engineers Srinivas Rangarajan Lehigh 2022
Development of interactive coding tutorials for introducing computational systems biology Chris Kieslich Auburn 2022 Open-Sourced System for Variable Parameter Quantitative and Qualitative Engineering Problems Amanda Malefyt Trine 2022
Modernizing the ChE Curriculum via Interactive Visual Aids for Traditional Courses Roman Voronov NJIT PDF icon VORONOV_COMSOL_APPS_REPORT.pdf 2020
Development of Open Access Version of Applied Numerical Computing Course Ashlee N. Ford Versypt Buffalo PDF icon Final Report-Development of Open Access Version of Applied Numerical Computing Course.pdf 2020
Coding Concepts and Chemical Engineering Analysis With Interactive Jupyter Notebooks Matthew D. Stuber Connecticut PDF icon CACHE_FinalReport.pdf 2020

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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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