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Diversity and Inclusion

In all CACHE activities we will seek to significantly increase inclusion of under-represented groups in science and engineering (including, but not limited to, women, persons with disabilities, and certain racial and ethnic minorities including Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic-American, and Native American/Alaska Native) through:  

  • Diverse trustee nominations (at least 50% of newly nominated candidates will be from under-represented groups)
  • Diverse non-trustee members of CACHE "task forces"
  • Diverse conference chairs, planning committee members, and speakers (goal: 50% of speakers from under-represented groups. If the tentative list is less than 33%, then conference organizers should share the list(s) with the CACHE Executive Committee for review and suggestions before being publicized)
  • Diverse principal investigators for initiatives that CACHE funds
  • Free or discounted CACHE membership and access to other CACHE products provided to chemical engineering departments at minority-serving institutions
  • A committee for diversity including two Executive Committee members and two Trustees (one academic, one industrial) that will lead CACHE’s diversity initiative and track its progress

CAST has put together list  of under-represented people in the hopes that this can be a resource for those organizing conferences, nominating people for awards, inviting speakers, etc.:

Photo Collage of CACHE's Diversity


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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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