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Doyle elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Jonathan Moore

Former CACHE President and current CACHE Advisor Francis J. Doyle III of Brown University was recently elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as one of the nation’s leading scholars in science, public affairs, business, arts and the humanities.

As highlighted by Brown's School of Engineering:

His work includes the design of drug-delivery devices for diabetes; modeling, analysis and control of gene regulatory networks underlying circadian rhythms; and computational analysis for developing diagnostics for post-traumatic stress disorder. Doyle has been recognized as a fellow of multiple professional organizations and is a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Medicine. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, a certificate of post-graduate studies from Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology.

“I am humbled and excited by this unexpected honor, which aptly comes at a moment when my career has transitioned to a role that entails supporting academic activities across the wide breadth of fields of scholarship that the academy encompasses,” Doyle said. “I hope to learn from, and be inspired by, current and former members of this fellowship in the quest to expand knowledge and its impact.”

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