CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Comments from the Editors
CACHE Newsletter Committee
News from Chemical Engineering Departments
Chemical Engineering Faculty Openings on the Web
Tom Edgar, Executive Officer, CACHE Corporation
Chemical Microengineering III - Multiphase Catalysis
Peter R. Rony, Virginia Tech
Educating Undergraduate Chemical Engineers in Process Control Using a Real-time Approach
Brent Young, Donald Mahoney and William Svreck - University of Calgary and Hyprotech, Ltd., Calgary
On Testing C++ DLLs
Edward M. Rosen, EMR Technology Group
Determination of Heterogamous and Homogenous Reaction Rate Constants Using Non-linear Optimization
Jack R. Hopper, Jamal M. Saleh and Vijay Apte, Lamar University Ralph Pike, Louisiana State University
Computer Programming in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum: Some Empirical Observations
Tom Edgar, University of Texas at Austin
GAMS Newsletter Number 5
Bruce McCarl
ASEE - 13th Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty
July 27 – August 1, 2002 – University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
January 12 – 16, 2003 - Coral Springs, Florida
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