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CACHE Newsletter Committee
FOSBE Conference: Selected Articles
Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE), An IFAC-Sponsored Conference
Santa Barbara, California, August 7-10, 2005
Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE), Table of Contents
Modeling the Synchronization of Biochemically Coupled Circadian Oscillators
Tsz-Leung To and Michael A. Henson, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and Francis J. Doyle III, University of California-Santa Barbara
Drug Delivery into the Human Brain
Andreas A. Linninger, Mahadeva Bharath, R. Somayaji, Michalis Xenos, and Srinivasa Kondapalli, University of Illinois-Chicago
Engineering Virus Growth by Gene-Order Permutation
Kwang-il Lim, Vy Lam, Tobias Lang, and John Yin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Antibiotics and Resistant Bacterial Populations: A Systems Approach
Michael Nikolaou and Vincent H. Tam, University of Houston
VMGSim: Revisiting the Cavett Problem
Edward M. Rosen, EMR Technology Group
Microsoft Excel: A Simple Way of Teaching Complex Tasks
Luiz Fernando de Moura, Departamento de Engenharia Química – Universidade Federal do Sao Carlos
Aid for Graduate Courses in Process Systems Engineering: Virtual Library from PASI Conference
Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie-Mellon University, Jaime Cerdá, INTEC, Argentina, and Jose Pinto, Polytechnic University and University of Sao Paulo
CACHE Session, AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November, 2005
David Himmelblau: ASEE CACHE Award Winner
Thomas F. Edgar, University of Texas - Austin
GNU Octave: History and Outlook for the Future
John W. Eaton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
POLYMATH 6 Now Works with Excel© and MATLAB TM
Michael B. Cutlip, University of Connecticut and Mordechai Shacham, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
ChemSep 6
Harry Kooijman, Richard Baur, and Ross Taylor, Clarkson University
CPC7 (Chemical Process Control)
FOMMS 2006 (Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation)
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