The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE
Comments from the Editors
CACHE Newsletter Committee
Smart Process Manufacturing - A Vision of the Future
Tom Edgar - University of Texas at Austin
Active Problem Solving and Applied Research Methods in a Graduate Course on Numerical Methods
E.L. Maase and K.A. High - Oklahoma State University
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
Introducing the Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Reactions Using the Gillespie Algorithm and MATLAB: Revisited and Augmented
A. Argoti, L.T. Fan, J. Cruz - Kansas State University; and S.T. Chon - Kun Shan University, Taiwan
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
A Nonlinear Model Library for Dynamics and Control
John Hedengren - ExxonMobil
Can I Trust this Software Package? an Exercise in Validation of Computational Results
M. Shacham - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; N. Brauner - Tel-Aviv University; W.R. Ashurst - Auburn University; and M.B. Cutlip - University of Connecticut
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
XSEOS: An Open Software for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
M. Castier - United Arab Emirates University, U.A.E.
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
Group Projects in Chemical Engineering Using a Wiki
J. J. Heys - Arizona State
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
WebCAST Seminar: When does controllability equal profitability?
Tom Edgar- University of Texas at Austin
Equilibrium-Staged Separations using MATLAB and MATHEMATICA
Housam Binous - National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
The CACHE Systems Biology Task Force
Mike Henson - University of Massachusetts
A Molecular Simulation Module Development Community
David Kofke - University of Buffalo
GAMS Newsletter No. 24
Bruce McCarl
University-Industry Workshop on Integration of Simulation Technology At Cornell University - July 25-26, 2008
Rajesh Bhaskaran - Cornell University
FOSBE 2009
FOMMS 2009
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