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Summer 2008 Newsletter


The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE

Comments from the Editors
CACHE Newsletter Committee



Smart Process Manufacturing - A Vision of the Future
Tom Edgar - University of Texas at Austin

Active Problem Solving and Applied Research Methods in a Graduate Course on Numerical Methods
E.L. Maase and K.A. High - Oklahoma State University
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Introducing the Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Reactions Using the Gillespie Algorithm and MATLAB: Revisited and Augmented
A. Argoti, L.T. Fan, J. Cruz - Kansas State University; and S.T. Chon - Kun Shan University, Taiwan
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

A Nonlinear Model Library for Dynamics and Control
John Hedengren - ExxonMobil

Can I Trust this Software Package? an Exercise in Validation of Computational Results
M. Shacham - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; N. Brauner - Tel-Aviv University; W.R. Ashurst - Auburn University; and M.B. Cutlip - University of Connecticut
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

XSEOS: An Open Software for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
M. Castier - United Arab Emirates University, U.A.E.
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Group Projects in Chemical Engineering Using a Wiki
J. J. Heys - Arizona State
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

WebCAST Seminar: When does controllability equal profitability?
Tom Edgar- University of Texas at Austin

Equilibrium-Staged Separations using MATLAB and MATHEMATICA
Housam Binous - National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

The CACHE Systems Biology Task Force
Mike Henson - University of Massachusetts

A Molecular Simulation Module Development Community
David Kofke - University of Buffalo

GAMS Newsletter No. 24
Bruce McCarl


Past and Future Conferences

University-Industry Workshop on Integration of Simulation Technology At Cornell University - July 25-26, 2008
Rajesh Bhaskaran - Cornell University

FOSBE 2009
FOMMS 2009


Historical Retrospective

CACHE News No. 8
CACHE News No. 9

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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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