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Winter 2008 Newsletter

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The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE

Comments from the Editors CACHE Newsletter Committee



Bruce A. Finlayson Receives ASEE-CACHE Award

Larry Evans AIChE Award Endowed by CACHE

Insights for our future: International Assessment of Simulation-Based Engineering and Science
Phillip R. Westmoreland - University of Massachusetts at Amherst

CACHE Website to Become Wiki Compatible
Thomas F. Edgar - University of Texas at Austin

Interactive Process PID Control Tuner
Ricardo Dunia and E. Dean - National Instruments
Thomas F. Edgar - University of Texas at Austin

CACHE Session:

  1. Smart Process Manufacturing
    Jim Davis - University of California at Los Angeles
  2. Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) into the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum
    Richard LaRoche - DEM Solutions
  3. CACHE Module Development for Introducing Energy into the Chemical Engineering Curriculum: Fuel Cells
    Jason Keith - Michigan Technological University
  4. Molecular Concepts in Thermodynamics Education
    David Kofke - The State University of New York at Buffalo
  5. Current Attributes and Future Prospects for Polymath Software
    Mike Cutlip - University of Connecticut
  6. CACHE Systems Biology Task Force
    Mike Henson - University of Massachusetts at Amherst
  7. Educational Modules in Process Design and Operability
    T. Marlin - McMaster University
  8. Computation in Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Education
    Bruce Finlayson - University of Washington

Process Control Centennial Session:

  1. Process Control Education: Past, Present, Future
    Thomas F. Edgar - University of Texas at Austin
  2. Predicting the Future of Model Predictive Control
    Manfred Morari - Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zürich
  3. Predicting the Future from the Past in Process Control
    George Stephanopoulos - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  4. Predictive Control from Practice to Theory (may be obtained by request from Jim Rawlings) - University of Wisconsin, Madison

Virtual Library for Process Systems Engineering
Ignacio Grossmann - Carnegie Mellon University
Frank Doyle III, - UCSB
Jaime Cerda - INTEC, Argentina
Argemiro Secchi

PASI 2008 Conference Slides

Smart Manufacturing: An Engineering Virtual Organization to Develop a Technology Roadmap
Jim Davis - University of California at Los Angeles
Thomas F. Edgar - University of Texas at Austin

Applications of The Peng-Robinson Equation of State Using Mathematica
Housam Binous - National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Gas Permeation Computations with Mathematica
Housam Binous - National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

New Trustees

Clare McCabe - Vanderbilt University
Jason Keith - Michigan Technological University
Robert Hesketh - Rowan University

Past and Future Conferences

FOSBE 2009
Mike Henson - University of Massachusetts

FOMMS 2009
David Kofke - University of Buffalo, The State University of New York

Andreas Linninger - University of Illinois at Chicago

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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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