The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE
Comments from the Editors CACHE Newsletter Committee
Brice Carnahan Receives ASEE-CACHE Award
CACHE Session at AIChE Meeting in Nashville, TN
40 Years of CACHE with a View to the Future
Francis Doyle, President of CACHE
A Half-Century of Computing In Engineering Curricula...from there, to here, to where?
Brice Carnahan
Graphics Processors for Computational Science and Engineering
Sharon C. Glotzer, Eric Jankowski, and Joshua Anderson
Student Training Workshop at the Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE) Conference
Michael A. Henson and Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
Update from the CACHE Fuel Cell Task Force
Jason M. Keith, Michael D. Gross, H. Scott Fogler, and Donald J. Chmielewski
Molecular Modeling Task Force Update
David A. Kofke
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering Education
Charles A. Petty and Richard D. LaRoche
Access and Utilization of DIPPR Physical Property Database in ChE Education
Michael B. Cutlip and Mordechai Shacham
Several Things that CU is Doing to Make Engineering Education Attractive
Robert Davis
The Evolution of Computing in Chemical Engineering: Some Perspectives and Future Direction (slides)
Larry Evans
The Evolution of Computing in Chemical Engineering: Perspectives and Future Directions (paper)
Larry Evans
Introducing Undergraduates to Advanced Computational Software using Practical Problems
Robert Hesketh
40-Year CACHE Evolution - Emphasis on Last 15 Years
Warren Seider
The Future of ChE and CACHE: Our Role in Computational Science and Engineering
Phil Westmoreland
Bring Fuel Cells into Your Course with Modules
Jason Keith - Michigan Technological University; Mike Gross - Bucknell University; Don Chmielewski - Illinois Institute of Technology; and H. Scott Fogler - University of Michigan
An Introductory Global CO2 Model
W. E. Schiesser - Lehigh University
Educational Modules for Teaching Protein Structure Prediction and Design
Sidhartha Chaudhury, Sergey Lyskov and Jeffrey Gray - Johns Hopkins University
Process Design Education Centennial Session (Video Lectures)
David Silverstein - University of Tennessee
Wayne Bequette - Rensselaer University
Mahmoud El-Halwagi - Texas A&M University
Ed Maginn - Notre Dame University
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