edX Energy courses: Free online courses in solar, nuclear and other forms of energy. Learn about worldwide energy development and the impact of energy production and use on the environment.
Energy 101: EESI - Environmental and Energy Study Institute's freshman-level, interdisciplinary university course
Energy University: Free online energy courses from Schneider Electric
NETL Analytical Tools and Data: The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has developed a number of analytical tools and databases designed to facilitate fossil fuel utilization and carbon capture and storage (CCS) analyses, including numerical simulators, analytical models, databases, and associated documentation.
IDAES-PSE: NETL’s open-source Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) Process Systems Engineering software
Grid Mix Explorer: NETL tool that allows users to browse regional electricity grid mixes and resulting generation and consumption life cycle inventory and impact data, as well as configure customized mixes of technologies and results.
H2Tools: Analysis tools and models for studies of hydrogen and fuel cells
H2A: Hydrogen analysis production models and case studies from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
HYBRID: Open-source tool for analyzing the dynamic behavior of hybrid energy systems (from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Argonne National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
TEMOA: Open-source Tools for Energy Model Optimization and Analysis implemented in Python and using PYOMO
FORCE: Framework for Optimization of ResourCes and Economics is a collection of open-source software tools developed under the Integrated Energy Systems program at INL
DWSIM: Open-source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator
Energy Outlooks: outlooks from IEF, IEA, OPEC, DECC, EIA, EU Energy 2020, IEE Japan, IMF, WEC, BP, ENI, ExxonMobil, Shell, Statoil, Chinese Academy of Social Science
EDX Energy Data Exchange: U.S. Department Of Energy Fossil Energy’s virtual platform for public curation of R&D data and tools.