LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 250 screencast videos for fluid mechanics, including example problems, introduction to topics, software tutorials, and exam review problems. YouTube playlist,Interactive screencasts playlist (test-yourself multiple-choice questions)
Learnfluidmechanics (Cambridge University): 75 fluid mechanics screencasts for an undergraduate course
Self-Study Modules (University of Colorado Boulder): more than 20 self-study modules that include screencasts (with questions), ConcepTests, introductory screencasts, interactive simulations, list of equations and important points, example problem screencasts, and a summary.
Concept Tests
Multiple-choice conceptual questions for use in class with student response systems (clickers)
Multimedia fluid mechanics DVD: DVD-ROM that illustrates fundamental phenomena and conveys fascinating fluid flows with nearly 1,000 videos, over 20 virtual labs and simulations, and dozens of interactive demonstrations and animations.