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Heat Transfer

Send feedback about this page to Dr. Allen Hersel (Trine University)

Syllabi, schedules, course notes


Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer Transport Phenomena


  • LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 100 short screencast videos for heat transfer.
     Screencast screenshot 2 Screencast screenshot 3

Interactive Simulations

Interactive Self-Study Modules

  • Self-Study Modules (University of Colorado Boulder): 5 self-study modules that include screencasts (with questions), ConcepTests, introductory screencasts, interactive simulations, list of equations and important points, example problem screencasts, and a summary.

Heat Transfer ConcepTests

Multiple-choice conceptual questions for use in class with student response systems (clickers)

ConcepTest screenshot 1 Concept Test screenshot 2



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