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Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

Send feedback about this page to Dr. Carl R. F Lund (University of Buffalo)

Syllabi, schedules, course notes


Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering The Engineering of Chemical Reactions Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design Fundamentals


  • LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 260 screencast videos for kinetics and reactor design, including example problems, introduction to topics, software tutorials, and exam review problems.
    Screencast 1 Screencast 2 Screencast 3

Interactive Simulations

  • Living example problems (University of Michigan): More than 62 interactive problems prepared using Polymath, MATLAB, and Mathematica
  • Reactor Lab (University of California, San Diego): 15 Web Labs and a Windows desktop app with 30 labs
  • Reaction Kinetics (Lehigh University): batch reactor, infectious disease model, direct air capture
  • Virtual Catalytic Reactor Laboratory (University of Colorado Boulder): a virtual experiment that allows students to take data for a gas-phase catalytic reaction and fit kinetic parameters
  • Interactive simulations (University of Colorado Boulder): Fifty interactive simulations, a few of which play directly in browsers and the rest can be run with a free CDF player plug-in. Their main objective is to demonstrate concepts in kinetics and reaction engineering. Most of the simulations have accompanying screencasts that demonstrate how to use the simulation.
    IntSim1 IntSim2 IntSim3

Interactive Self-Study Modules

  • Self-Study Modules (University of Colorado Boulder): 19 self-study modules that include screencasts (with questions), ConcepTests, introductory screencasts, interactive simulations, list of equations and important points, example problem screencasts, and a summary.


Multiple-choice conceptual questions for use in class with student response systems (clickers)

Concept Test 1 Concept Test 2 Concept Test 3


  • Polymathplus Solves ODEs, linear equations, and nonlinear equations. Screencasts demonstrating Polymath use can be found here.
  • CHEMKIN models and simulates gas-phase and surface chemistry

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