Lecture notes (University of Michigan and University of Illinois)
LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 260 screencast videos for kinetics and reactor design, including example problems, introduction to topics, software tutorials, and exam review problems.
Interactive Simulations
Living example problems (University of Michigan): More than 62 interactive problems prepared using Polymath, MATLAB, and Mathematica
Reactor Lab (University of California, San Diego): 15 Web Labs and a Windows desktop app with 30 labs
Virtual Catalytic Reactor Laboratory (University of Colorado Boulder): a virtual experiment that allows students to take data for a gas-phase catalytic reaction and fit kinetic parameters
Interactive simulations (University of Colorado Boulder): Fifty interactive simulations, a few of which play directly in browsers and the rest can be run with a free CDF player plug-in. Their main objective is to demonstrate concepts in kinetics and reaction engineering. Most of the simulations have accompanying screencasts that demonstrate how to use the simulation.
Interactive Self-Study Modules
Self-Study Modules (University of Colorado Boulder): 19 self-study modules that include screencasts (with questions), ConcepTests, introductory screencasts, interactive simulations, list of equations and important points, example problem screencasts, and a summary.
Multiple-choice conceptual questions for use in class with student response systems (clickers)
LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 250 kinetics/reaction engineering ConcepTests. Contact LearnChemE@gmail.com to obtain access.
Polymathplus Solves ODEs, linear equations, and nonlinear equations. Screencasts demonstrating Polymath use can be found here.
CHEMKIN models and simulates gas-phase and surface chemistry
Useful Links
Chemical reaction engineering homepage (University of Michigan): Resources that supplement the Fogler Reaction Engineering textbook. These include computer games, web modules, additional homework problems, and more.