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Syllabi, schedules, course notes


Separation Process Engineering Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles Unit Operations of Chemical EngineeringSeparation Process Essentials


  • LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 125 short screencast videos for separations including example problems, introduction to topics, and explanations of how to use diagrams.
  • Separation Process Essentials (University of Alabama): Approximately 20 sceencast videos under Tutorials.
  • Commons Separation Processes (ChemEngGuy): 14 hours of screencast videos
  • Screencast screenshot 1Screencast screenshot 2Screencast screenshot 3

  Interactive Simulations

  • Liquid-Liquid Ternary Separations (University of Sheffield, University of Manchester): An interactive system to learn how to use ternary phase diagrams and design liquid-liquid extraction systems
  • LearnChemE (University of Colorado Boulder): More than 60 interactive simulations, half of which play directly in browsers and the others can be run with a free CDF player plug-in.

    Interactive Simulations 1 Interactive Simulations 2 Interactive Simulations 3

Interactive self-study modules

  • Self-study modules (University of Colorado Boulder): 18 modules that include introductory screencasts (with questions), ConcepTests, interactive simulations, quiz simulations, list of equations and important points, example problem screencasts, and a summary.


Multiple-choice conceptual questions for use in class with student response systems (clickers)


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