AIChE/CACHE APP Competition for AIChE Student Chapters
Process Control Modules / Himmelblau Award Presentation Frank Doyle, Robert Parker, and Edward Gatzke
NSF Funds Research Coordination Network in Sustainable Manufacturing
Trustees David Allen and Warren Seider Receive Major AIChE Awards
Trustee Phil Westmoreland Elected Vice-President of AIChE
Overview of CACHE Activities David Kofke
CMU-IBM Cyberinfrastructure Collaborative Ignacio Grossmann, Jon Lee, Pietro Belotti, Larry Biegler, Pedro Castro, Francois Margot, Juan Ruiz, Nick Sahinidis, and Andreas Waechter
Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition Holds Workshop at 2011 AIChE Meeting
The Pan American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) Held in Brazil, July 2011 Ramiro Palma
A Half-century of Computing in Engineering Curricula (ASEE Award Lecture, 2010) Brice Carnahan
Selected Papers from AIChE Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, October 17, 2011
AIChE/CACHE Modules on Energy in the Curriculum CACHE Energy Task Force (Jason Keith, Darlene Schuster, Jeff Seay, David Silverstein, and John O'Connell)
Development and Assessment of Energy Modules in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum Jason Keith, Daniel Lopez Gaxiola, Dan Crowl, Dave Caspary, Abjhijit Mukherjee, Dennis Meng, Jeff Naber, Jeff Allen, John Lukowski, Barry Solomon, Jay Meldrum, and Tom Edgar
Students Learn Fundamentals of Process Operations and Control Using Dynamic Simulator of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Plant with CO2 Capture Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Richard Turton, and Stephen Zitney
Molecular Simulation Modules for Instruction in Thermodynamics, Transport, Kinetics, and Materials David Kofke and Andrew Schultz
Teaching Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulations: Lessons Learned From the Thermodynamics, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Edward Maginn, Frederico Tavares, Charles Abreu, Jindal Shah, and Craig Tenney
Integrating Computational Transport Phenomena into the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum Charles Petty, Satish Muthu, and Andre Benard
Teaching Design Using the CACHE Learning Resource Center Warren Seider
Peer Evaluation in Chemical Engineering Design Using Wikis Caryn Heldt
Expertise in Chemical Process Modeling. The Importance of Problem Formulation and Pattern Recognition Paul Mathias
Group Contribution Methods in Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Rebecca K. Toghiani
Browser-Based Simulations for the Illustration of Chemical Engineering Concepts Anthony Butterfield
FOCAPO/CPC – January 7-12, 2012, Savannah, GA
FOMMS – July 2012, Welches, Oregon (near base of Mt. Hood)