CACHE Task Forces and Committees
All About CACHE: A Presentation
Joe Golab, CACHE President
AIChE/CACHE Mobile Device APP Competition
Robert Hesketh
Mario Eden
FOSBE 2015
Robert Parker
CACHE Vice President Marianthi Ierapetritou Receives PSE Model-Based Innovation Prize
New CACHE Trustees Elected
Sustainable Manufacturing Roadmap Workshop Held
Yinlun Huang
An iPhone / iPad Energy App for Heat Transfer
Jason Keith
PolyMath Software Report
Michael Cutlip
New ANSYS CFD Curriculum Materials Released
Murali Kadiramangalam
Capstone Design Course Survey Overview
David Silverstein, Margot Vigeant, Lisa Bullard, and Warren Seider
Computing and Games in the ChemE Curriculum: A Development Workshop
Marcel Liauw and Margot Vigeant
Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD) as a New Take on a Kinetics Lab
Daniel D. Burkey, Daniel Anastasio, and Aravind Suresh
Chemical Engineering App: Increasing Accessibility of Course Materials, Reference Data, and Problem Solving Tools
Jason E. Bara and J.P. McLemore
A Heat Conduction iPhone and iPad App for Engineering Education
Jason Keith, Gerald Nelson, Abby Thompson, Read Sprabery, and John Gazzini
Not Your Average Flipped Classroom: An Online, Multi-Media “Textbook” for Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lisa Y. Hwang, Briana Dunn, and Chaitan Kholsa
The Role of Smartphones and Tablets in Numerical Problem Solving
Michael Elly, Mordechai Shacham, and Michael B. Cutlip
AIChE Concept Warehouse
Milo Koretsky, JohnFalconer, David Silverstein, Ron Miller, and Marina Miletic
Gary Blau, Former CACHE Trustee, Passes Away
CACHE Executive Director Tom Edgar Elected to National Academy of Engineering
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