Aspen Modules Progress and Demo
Tom Adams
ABET Software
Jeff Errington
Sustainable Manufacturing Educational Modules
Debalina Sengupta
Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute Launched Mobile Apps for Chemical Engineers Developed by Chemical Engineers
Jason Bara
Process Simulation Essentials
David Hill, CHEMCAD
FOCAPO/CPC 2017 Highlights
Christos Maravelias
FOSBE 2018
Juergen Hahn
FOMMS 2018
Jeff Errington
PSE 2018
Marianthi Ierapetritou
Trustee John Falconer Featured in CEP Magazine
Maria Burka Elected as New CACHE Trustee
AIChE Session Honoring John Falconer (Chair: J. Will Medlin, CU)
AIChE Annual Meeting Papers of Interest: Technology, New Media, and Gamification for Today’s Students (Chairs: Daniel Lepek and S. Patrick Walton)
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