CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE
New CACHE Trustee – Thomas Adams II
New CACHE Trustee – Manuela Ayee
Guides for "Teaching Data Science to Students and Teachers"
Martha Grover, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Philip Westmoreland, North Carolina State U.
CACHE-Related Award Recipients – Thomas Adams II and John Falconer
Juergen Hahn, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Diversity and Inclusion at CACHE
Kristen Fichthorn, Pennsylvania State U., and Leo Chiang, Dow Chemical Company
CACHE-Sponsored Conferences
FOSBE 2022
Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis, Rutgers U.
FOMMS 2022
Jeff Errington, State U. of New York at Buffalo
Victor Zavala Tejeda, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Development of Static and Dynamic Simulation-Based Active-Learning Modules for Chemical Engineering Curriculum
Brent Bishop, Hunter Barber, Fernando Lima, and Richard Turton, West Virginia U.
Taking ChemE‐SportsTM, from on‐site to a Live Virtual Competition
Robert Bozic, Columbia U., Donald Glaser, and Matthew Garvey, Simulation Solutions, Inc.
Interactive Software for Teaching Multivariable Data Analytics
Joachim Schaeffer, and Richard Braatz, MIT
Maybe the Real Treasure is the Friends We Made Along the Way (Or – My Decade in Ed Div)
Daniel Burkey, U. of Connecticut.
Products from Pandemic Labs - Custom At-Home & Benchtop Unit Ops Teaching Modules
Anthony Butterfield, Thang Tran, Ignacio Preciado, Geoffrey Silcox, Eric Eddings, and Andrew Simonson, U. of Utah
Engaging an Entrepreneurial Mindset Though Open Ended Projects in the Sophomore Year
Kristine Horvat, U. of New Haven
Introducing Students to Open-Source Research Codes
Pavan Inguva, Vijeh Bhute, Pierre Walker, and Thomas Cheng, MIT and Imperial College London
Problem Solving When Textbook Problems Are Replaced with Student-Written YouTube Problems
Uchenna Asogwa, Ryan Duckett, Lindsey Stevens, Amanda Malefyt, Gale Mentzer, and Matthew Liberatore, U. of Toledo
MATLAB Based Applications As Accessible and Interactive Educational Modules to Advance Spectroscopic Understanding
Jakub Konkol, Justin Marlowe, and George Tsilomelekis, Rutgers U.
Even More Stealable – Video Experiments and Remote Projects for Thermodynamics
Margot Vigeant, Bucknell U.
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