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Teaching Resources Center




This standing committee was formed to maintain and improve the content of the Teaching Resources Center (a collection syllabi, schedules, computer-aided tools, interactive simulations, screencasts, concept questions, textbook information, useful links, and in some cases, complete course notes).


Editors of the Teaching Resource Center pages

Stephanie Wettstein
Montana State University
George Prpich
University of Virginia
Thomas Gartner
Yuhe Tian
West Virginia University
Luke Landherr
Northeastern University
Rachel Getman
Ohio State University
Chris Kieslich
Auburn University
Matthew Cooper
North Carolina State University
Yamil Colon
Notre Dame
Janie Brennan
Washington University in St. Louis
Chris Barr
University of Michigan
Tracy Carter
Northeastern University
Matthew Stuber
University of Connecticut
Wesley Cole
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jason Keith
Mississippi State University
Lisa Bullard
North Carolina State University
Richard D. Braatz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joanne Beckwith
Carnegie Mellon
Helen Durand
Wayne State University
Jonathan Verrett
The University of British Columbia
Carl Lund
University at Buffalo
B. Wayne Bequette
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
John Falconer
University of Colorado Boulder
Ashlee Ford Versypt
State University of New York at Buffalo
Martha Grover
Georgia Institute of Technology
Juergen Hahn
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
John Hedengren
Brigham Young University
Robert Hesketh
Rowan University
Matthew Liberatore
Trine University
Ed Maginn
University of Notre Dame
Jonathan Moore
The Dow Chemical Company
Warren D. Seider
University of Pennsylvania
Victor Zavala
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Stephen E. Zitney
National Energy Technology Laboratory


Committee Type: 
Standing Committee
Committee Status: 

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