Brice Carnahan, Ed. (1996)
20 papers by prominent chemical engineering faculty covering a wide range of subjects, from the impact of computing in individual undergraduate chemical engineering courses, to more general topics such as accreditation, multi-media instruction, numerical software, laboratory automation, and the Internet and World Wide Web. The papers are written from the perspective of past computing developments, present activities, and future directions in chemical engineering education.
- Cover
- Title and Copyright
- Preface - Brice Carnahan
- Chapter 1
- Role and Impact of Computers in Engineering Education
Richard S. H. Mah and David M. Himmelblau
- Chapter 2
- Computing Skills in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
Jeffrey C. Kantor and Thomas Edgar- Chapter 3
- History of CACHE and its Evolution
J. D. Seader and Warren D. Seider
- Chapter 4
- Interactive Computer-Aided Instruction
Susan Montgomery and H. Scott Fogler- Chapter 5
- General-Purpose Software for Equation Solving and Modeling of Data
Mordechai Shacham, Michael B. Cutlip and N. Brauner- Chapter 6
- Thermodynamics and Property Data Bases
Aage Fredenslund, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis and Rafique Gani
- Chapter 7
- CACHE's Role in Computing in Chemical Reaction Engineering
H. Scott Fogler- Chapter 8
- Transport Phenomena
Bruce A. Finlayson and Andrew N. Hrymak- Chapter 9
- Separations Processes
Ross Taylor
- Chapter 10
- Conceptual Design and Process Synthesis
James M. Douglas and Jeffrey J. Siirola- Chapter 11
- Process Simulation
Lorenz T. Biegler, J. D. Seader and Warren D. Seider- Chapter 12
- Optimization
Ignacio E. Grossman- Chapter 13
- Design Case Studies
Ignacio Grossmann and Manfred Morari- Chapter 14
- Process Control
Yaman Arkun and Carlos E. Garcia
- Chapter 15
- Laboratory Automation and Real-Time Computing
Duncan A. Mellichamp and Babu Joseph- Chapter 16
- CACHE and the Use of Computer Networks for Education
Peter R. Rony- Chapter 17
- Intelligent Systems in Process Operations, Design and Safety
Steven R. McVey, James F. Davis and Venkat Venkatasubramanian- Chapter 18
- Languages and Programming Paradigms
George Stephanopoulos and Chonghun Han
- Chapter 19
- Visualization
Andrew N. Hrymak and Patricia Monger- Chapter 20
- 2001
Brice Carnahan- Author Index
- Subject Index
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