CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Introduction To This Issue
CACHE Newsletter Committee
CACHE Website Soliciting Educational Materials
Thomas F. Edgar, The University of Texas at Austin
Brice Carnahan's Predictions on Information Technology
J.D. Seader, University of Utah
Brice Carnahan, University of Michigan
Chemical Engineering Education and the Three C's: Computing, Communication, and Collaboration
Thomas F. Edgar, The University of Texas at Austin
The Interactive Authorship
James B. Riggs, Texas Tech University
Chemical Microengineering. I. Introduction
Peter R. Rony, Virginia Tech
Engineering and Computational Issues in Industrial Biology
Babatunde Ogunnaike, DuPont CS&E
Reprise: Solving Partial Differential Equations Using Excel 2000
Edward M. Rosen, EMR Technology Group
GAMS Newsletter Number 3
Bruce McCarl
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