The CACHE Corporation CACHE Trustees CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE Comments from the Editors
CACHE Newsletter Committee
Using the Evolutionary Operation Method to Optimize Gas Absorber Operation
Jimmy L. Smart – University of Kentucky
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
A Quadruple-Tank Process Control Experiment
Effendi Rusli, Siong Ang, and Richard D. Braatz – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
Simulation and Experiment in an Introductory Process Control Laboratory Experience
Kenneth R. Muske – Villanova University
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
Use of Dynamic Simulation to Converge Complex Process Flowsheets
William L. Luyben – Lehigh University
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
ChemSep 5.0 for Windows!
Harry Kooijman and Ross Taylor – Clarkson University
Femlab 3.0: Experiences in Determining RTD
Edward M. Rosen - EMR Technology Group
Teaching Non-Ideal Reactors with CFD Tools
Luis M. Madeira, Manuel A. Alves and Alirio E. Rodrigues – Universidade do Porto
(reprinted with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)
Development of Hands-On CFD Educational Interface for Undergraduate Engineering Courses and Laboratories
Fred Stern, Tao Xing, Don Yarbrough, Alric Rothmayer, Ganesh Rajagopalan, Shourya Prakash Otta, David Caughey, Rajesh Bhaskaran, Sonya Smith, Barbara Hutchings, and Shane Moeykens – Iowa/Iowa State/Cornell/Howard/Fluent
WebCAST Slides: Invention and Innovation in a Product-Centered Chemical Industry
George Stephanopoulos - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computing Through the Curriculum: An Integrated Approach for Engineering
Thomas F. Edgar – University of Texas (plenary Lecture – ASEE Annual Meeting, June, 2004)
GAMS Newsletters 16 and 17 Bruce McCarl
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