CACHE Task Forces and Committees
John Hedengren Selected for AIChE Himmelblau Award
ASEE CACHE Award Winner: Jim Henry, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Teaching Statistics in Selected Chemical Engineering Departments
Richard Braatz, MIT
PolyMath Now Available for Smart Phones
Michael Cutlip, University of Connecticut
AIChE/CACHE Mobile Device App Competition Announcement
Robert Hesketh, Rowan University
Exploring Chemical Engineering Principles through Interactive Simulations
Housam Binous, King Fahd University; Brian Higgins, UC Davis; Ahmed Bellagi, University of Monastir
A Review: The Pendulum and VBA™
Edward Rosen, EMR Technology Group, Chesterfield, Missouri
Energy-Related CACHE Process Design Case Studies
Ignacio Grossmann, CMU
Mario Eden, Auburn University
FOMMS 2015
Randy Snurr, Northwestern University
FOSBE 2015
Robert Parker, University of Pittsburgh
CACHE Elects New Officers to Executive Committee
Joe Golab, Past CACHE President
Development of Interactive Virtual Laboratories to Help Students Learn Difficult Concepts in Thermodynamics
Alec Bowen, Daniel Reid, Milo Koretsky; Oregon State University
Simulation-Based Guided Explorations in Process Dynamics and Control
Mary Staehle, Rowan University; Babtunde Ogunnaike, University of Delaware
Improving Student Interaction with Screencasts and Simulations
J. Will Medlin, John Falconer, Garrett Nicodemus, Kathrine McDanel, Jeff Knutson; University of Colorado
Educational Modules on Solar Energy
Jason Keith, Liz Rayfield, Niraj Palsule; Mississippi State University
Incorporating the Online Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering Equipment into Your Course Activities
Susan Montgomery, University of Michigan
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