CACHE Task Forces and Committees
AIChE App Contest Announcement
Robert Hesketh
FOMMS Conference Summary
Randy Snurr
FOMMS Medal Awarded to Carol Hall
David Kofke
Himmelblau Award Won by U. of Colorado Team
George Stephanopoulos Wins ASEE CACHE Award
Curriculum Area Moderators of CACHE Teaching Resource Center
Third Edition of Guide to Teaching Design
Warren Seider
CACHE Trustee Gavin Towler Elected to National Academy of Engineering
CACHE Trustees Tom Edgar and Frank Doyle Win Control Awards
Chemical Akzo Nobel Problem and VBA
Ed Rosen
Introductory Global CO2 Simulation Model
William Schiesser
AICHE Webinar Series-Chemical Engineering Education Apps
Jason Bara
Sustainable Manufacturing NSF Workshop
Yinlun Huang
Request for Proposals on Educational Modules for Sustainable Manufacturing
Mahmoud El-Halwagi
ASEE Annual Conference Presentations
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