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Summer 2020 Newsletter


The CACHE Corporation

CACHE Trustees

CACHE Task Forces and Committees

Industrial Supporters of CACHE

Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE

What Is CACHE?



CACHE Sponsored Conferences

CEE Special Section on CACHE 50th Anniversary
B. Wayne Bequette

CACHE Award Recipients

  • Ashlee Ford-Versypt, ASEE ChE Division's Ray W. Fahien Award
  • Frank Doyle, IFAC's Industrial Achievement Award
  • Leo Chiang, Control Engineering Practice Award from A2C2
  • Matthew Liberatore, ASEE Thomas and Donna Edgar CACHE Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Education
  • Daniel E. Rivera, David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education

Computer Programming and Process Control Take-home Lab
John Hedengran and Jeffrey Kantor

CACHE/ASEE Survey on Computing in Chemical Engineering
Martha Grover, Robert Hesketh, and David Silverstein


Selected 2020 ASEE Papers
© 2020 American Society for Engineering Education

Creating and Facilitationg Engaging, Rigorous Fully-Online Technical Courses
T. Gardner, CO School of Mines

Can Students Self-Generate Appropriately Targeted Feedback on Their Own Solutions in a Problem-Solving Context?
C. Lund, U. at Buffalo-SUNY

Supporting the Mental Health and Wellness of Chemical Engineering Students at the Department and College Levels
A. Maxson and D. Tomasko, Ohio State U.

Process Control Design and Practice--A New Approach to Teaching Control to Chemical Engineers
T. Meadowcroft, Rowan U.

Pre- and Post-tenure: Perceptions of Requirements and Impediments for Chemical Engineering Faculty
E. Miskioglu, N. Tymvios, and B. Wheatley, Bucknell U.; E. Christou, UNC-Charlotte

Faculty Development Mini-modules on Evidence-based Inclusive Teaching and Mentoring Practices in Engineering
S. Rooney, J. Enszer, J.A. Maresca, S.I. Shah, S.A. Hewlett, and J.M. Buckley, U. of Delaware

Exploring Student Decision Making Trends in Process Safety Dilemmas Using the Engineering Process Safety Research Instrument
J. Stransky and C.A. Bodnar, Rowan U.; L. Bassett and D.D. Burkey, U. of Connecticut; D. Anastasio, Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech.; M. Cooper, NC State U.

Development of Learning Modules for Process Plant Operation
R. Turton, F.V. Lima, and B.A. Bishop, West Virginia U.

Using Incident Reporting to Integrate Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment into the Unit Operations Lab
S.A. Wilson, U. of Kentucky; S.M. Azarin, U. of Minnesota; C. Barr, U. of Michigan; J. Brennan, Washington U.-St. Louis; T.L. Carter, Northeastern U.; A.J. Karlsson, U. of Maryland

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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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