CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE
What Is CACHE?
Michael Henson
FOSBE 2018
Juergen Hahn
FOMMS 2018
Jeff Errington
PSE 2018
Marianthi Ierapetritou and Mario Eden
FOPAM 2019
Richard Braatz and Tom Badgwell
AIChE and ASEE Award Recipients
PolyMath Software Review
Michael Cutlip
Sal Garcia and Kristen Fichthorn Elected New CACHE Trustees
CEP Article "Preparing Chemical Engineering Students for Industry"
(reprinted with permission) Joe Alford and Tom Edgar
The Pitfalls of Readily Available Solutions: Physically Consistent Global Analysis of Species Transport from a Spherical Particle
Richard Braatz, MIT
WSU's NSF Reu Site Program
Yinlun Huang
ASEE Summer School Presentations
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