CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE
Special Issues from CACHE-Sponsored Conferences/Events
Software Modules for Data Analytics
Reinforcing Computational Thinking Throughout Chemical Engineering Curriculum with MATLAB and Simulink
A. Hacioglu and S. Rao, MathWorks
The Python Pivot – Teaching Chemical Engineering Computing in the Wake of COVID-19
J. P. Abulencia, Manhattan College
An Educational Bioprocess Simulator (BioVL): Introduction of Disturbances
S. de las Heras, C. Gargalo, I. Udugama, K. Gernaey, and U. Kruhne, Technical U. of Denmark
Instructional Videos and Interactive Notebooks for Learning of Coding Concepts in Chemical Engineering Analysis
M. Wilhelm, C. Wang, and M. Stuber, UConn
It’s All By Design: Incorporating Design Early in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
J. Opatkiewicz, UC San Diego
ABET Accreditation – Recent Updates and Insights
R. Lewis, Brigham Young U.
Persistence and Practice of Spreadsheet Skills Using an Interactive Textbook
L. Gorbett, K. Chapman, and M. Liberatore, U. of Toledo
Machine Learning for Fluid Property Correlations
L. Joss and E. Muller, Imperial College London
Experience with Symbolic Algebra and Smart Computing in Reaction Engineering Courses
S. Parulekar, Illinois Institute of Technology
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