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Summer 2010 Newsletter


The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE

Comments from the Editors
CACHE Newsletter Committee



Future Opportunities for CACHE (Audiovisual Presentation)
Peter Rony - Virginia Tech

New CACHE Process Design Case Study on Ethanol from Biomass Gasification Available
Ignacio Grossmann - Carnegie Mellon University

A Just-in-Time Pedagogical Approach for Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering
Roger Bonnecaze - University of Texas Austin

A New Course: Introduction to Process Modeling
James Rawlings - University of Wisconsin

Bring Fuel Cells and Biofuels into Your Course with CACHE Energy Modules
Jason Keith - Michigan Technological University
Mike Gross - Bucknell University
Don Chmielewski - Illinois Institute of Technology
H. Scott Fogler - University of Michigan

New Editions from Wiley on Process Design and Control

Process Dynamics and Control (3rd edition)
Dale Seborg, Thomas Edgar, Duncan Mellichamp, and Frank Doyle
Product and Process Design Principles (3rd edition)
Warren Seider, J.D. Seader, Danny Lewin, and Soemantri Widagdo

Update on Smart Process Manufacturing
Jim Davis - UCLA
Tom Edgar - University of Texas Austin

UTeachEngineering for K-12 Education
David Allen - University of Texas Austin

EURECHA Educational Session at ESCAPE (June 2010)

Product and Process Design Courses at Danish Technical University
Prof. Rafiqui Gani
SMU-IBM Cyberinfrastructure Site for MINLP Problems
Prof. Ignacio Grossmann
PSE Education & Training at Imperial College London
Prof. Stratos Pistikopoulos

AIChE Webinar: Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids, and Chemical Engineering
Tom Edgar - University of Texas Austin

Closing the Gap Between Process Control Theory and Practice
Carlos Velázquez, Nelson Cardona-Martínez, and Edwin Velázquez - Chemical Engineering Department, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
(Reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

From Numerical Problem Solving to Model-Based Experimentation - Incorporating Computer-Based Tools of Various Scales into the ChE Curriculum
Mordechai Shacham - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Michael B. Cutlip - University of Connecticut
Neima Brauner - Tel-Aviv University

(Reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

Using Screencasts in ChE Courses
John L. Falconer, Janet deGrazia, J. Will Medlin, and Michael P. Holmberg - University of Colorado
(Reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

Making a Chemical Process Control Course an Inductive and Deductive Learning Experience ChE Curriculum
David L. Silverstein and Gifty Osei-Prempeh - University of Kentucky
(Reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

Metstoich - Teaching Quantitative Metabolism and Energetics in Biochemical Engineering
Kelvin W. W. Wong and John P. Barford - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(Reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

Virtual Experiments and Graphical Insights Into Thermodynamics
David A. Gallagher - CACHE Research

Wayne Bequette - RPI

FOMMS 2012
Ed Maginn - University of Notre Dame

GAMS Newsletter No. 28
Bruce McCarl

GAMS Newsletter No. 29
Bruce McCarl

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P.O. Box 126
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Phone: (574) 631-5687

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