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Winter 2007 Newsletter


The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE

Comments from the Editors
CACHE Newsletter Committee


Numerical Problem Solving Using MATHCAD in Undergraduate Reaction Engineering
Satish J. Parulekar - Illinois Institute of Technology
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Data Analysis Made Easy with DataFit
James R. Brenner - Florida Institute of Technology
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Introducing Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Computations with Mathematica in the Undergraduate Curriculum
Housam Binous - National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

A Web-based Operated Experiment for Undergraduate Engineering Laboratory
Jing Guo, David J. Kettler, Muthanna Al-Dahan - Washington University
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Instant Messaging Expanding Your Office Hours
Daniel Burkey and Ronald J. Wiley - Northeastern University
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

A Realistic Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis Project
Kenneth R. Muske and John A. Myers - Villanova University
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Biomolecular Modeling in a Process Dynamics and Control Course
Jeffery J. Gray - John Hopkins University
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

The Devil's in the Delta
William L. Luyben - Lehigh University
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Demonstrating PID Control Principles Using an Air Heater and LabVIEW
Finn Haugen, Eivind Fjelddalen - Telemark University College, Norway; and Ricardo Dunia, and Thomas F. Edgar - University of Texas at Austin

On Similarity Transformations, A Classical Approach
Edward M. Rosen - EMR Technology Group


AIChE CACHE Session (Salt Lake City - 11/06/07)

Cache Virtual Process Control Book: Online Resources for Graduate Process Control Instruction
Edward P. Gatzke - University of South Carolina, and Juergen Hahn - Texas A&M University

Enhancing Undergraduate Understanding of Transport Phenomena Via Application of CFD
Jennifer Sinclair Curtis - University of Florida

CACHE Modules on Energy in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum: Fuel Cells
Jason Keith - Michigan Technological University

Molecular Simulation Module Development Project Update
David A. Kofke - The State University of New York

A Brief Perspective on Process Optimization
Larry T. Biegler - Carnegie Mellon University

Efficient Solution of Multiple-Model, Multiple-Algorithm Problem in Undergraduate and Graduate Education
Mordechai Shacham - Ben Gurion University of the Negev; Michael Cutlip - University of Connecticut; and Michael Elly, Intel Corporation, Qiryat Gat, Israel
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)

Replacing the Traditional "Computer Programming" Course by a Course in "Computer-Based Problem Solving for Engineers"
Mordechai Shacham - Ben Gurion University of the Negev; Michael Cutlip - University of Connecticut; and Michael Elly, Intel Corporation, Qiryat Gat, Israel
(printed with permission from Chemical Engineering Education)


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Phone: (574) 631-5687

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