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Past Trustees

Rakesh Agrawal - Purdue University
David Allen - University of Texas at Austin
Yaman Arkun - Georgia Tech
Thomas Badgwell - ExxonMobil
Matthew Bassett - Dow AgroSciences
Lorenz Biegler - Carnegie Mellon University
Gary Blau - Dow Elanco / Purdue University
Joe Boston - Aspen Tech
Richard D. Braatz - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Herb Britt - Aspen Tech
Peter Bullemer - Honeywell
Brice Carnahan - University of Michigan
Chau-Chyun Chen - Texas Tech University
Leo Chiang - The Dow Chemical Company
James Christensen - University of Oklahoma
Jennifer (Sinclair) Curtis - University of Florida
Michael B. Cutlip - University of Connecticut (Emeritus)
James Davis - Ohio State University / UCLA
Morton Denn - University of California, Berkeley
Michael Doherty - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
James Douglas - Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Thomas Edgar - University of Texas at Austin
Mahmoud El-Halwagi - Texas A&M University
Eugene Elzy - Oregon State University
Lawrence Evans - Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Bruce Finlayson - University of Washington
Grant Fisher - University of Alberta
Christodoulos Floudas - Princeton University
H. Scott Fogler - University of Michigan
Rodney Fox - Iowa State University
Rafiqul Gani - Technical University of Denmark
Carlos Garcia - Shell
Salvador Garcia-Munoz - Eli Lilly
Joseph T. Golab - Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Edward Grens - University of California, Berkeley
Ignacio Grossmann - Carnegie Mellon University
John Hale - DuPont
Carol Hall - North Carolina State University
J. J. Haydel - Shell
Ernest Henley - University of Houston
Michael A. Henson - University of Massachusetts Amherst
David Himmelblau - University of Texas at Austin
Andrew Hrymak - McMaster University
Richard Hughes - University of Wisconsin
Robert Jelinek - Syracuse University
A. I. Johnson - University of Western Ontario
Jeffrey Kantor - University of Notre Dame
Ferhan Kayihan - Weyerhaeuser
Jason Keith - Mississippi State University
Sangtae Kim - Lilly / University of Wisconsin
Ronald Klaus - University of Pennsylvania
Richard LaRoche - DEM Solutions
Richard Mah - Northwestern University
Duncan Mellichamp - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
James Michaels - Merck
Rodolphe Motard - Washington University
Babatunde Ogunnaike - University of Delaware
Charles A. Petty - Michigan State University
Linda Petzold - University of California, Santa Barbara
Stratos Pistikopoulos - Texas A&M University
Gary Powers - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fred Ramirez - University of Colorado
James Rawlings - University of Wisconsin
Matthew Reilly - Carnegie Mellon University
Irven Rinard - Halcon
Peter Rony - Virginia Tech
Edward Rosen - Monsanto / EMR Technology Group
Brigette Rosendall - Bechtel
Stanley Sandler - University of Delaware
William Schiesser - Lehigh University
J. D. Seader - University of Utah
John Seinfeld - California Institute of Technology
Paul Shannon - Dartmouth
Cecil Smith - Louisiana State University
David Smith - DuPont
Dennis Spriggs - Union Carbide
George Stephanopoulos - Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Ross Taylor - Clarkson University
Tyler Thompson - Dow Chemical
Louis Tichacek - Shell
James Tilton - DuPont
James Trainham - PPG Industries
Venkat Venkatasubramanian - Purdue University
Robert Weaver - Tulane University
Arthur Westerberg - Carnegie Mellon University
James White - Modular Mining Systems
Joseph Wright - Xerox
Stephen E. Zitney - National Energy Technology Laboratory
Imre Zwiebel - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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