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Winter 2015 Newsletter


The CACHE Corporation

CACHE Trustees

CACHE Task Forces and Committees



New CACHE Trustees Elected (Errington, Eden, Hahn)
Marianthi Ierapetritou

AIChE APP Contest Winner Selected
Robert Hesketh

FOMMS 2015 Conference, July 12-16
Randy Snurr

FOSBE 2015 Conference, August 9-12
Bob Parker

FOCAPD 2014 Report
Mario Eden

New CACHE ABET Initiative
David Kofke

Sustainable Manufacturing Educational Modules
Mahmoud El-Halwagi

CACHE Trustees - Service Recognition
Michael Henson

cachet Faculty Openings Website
David Kofke

Bioengineering Learning Modules
Juergen Hahn and Wayne Bequette

Hands-On Process Control - Arduino Lab Review
John Hedengren

Larry Evans 80th Birthday Session, Atlanta AIChE Annual Meeting
Chau-Chyun Chen and Warren Seider

Ignacio Grossmann 65th Birthday Session, Atlanta AIChE Annual Meeting
Stratos Pistikopoulos

Educational Papers at AIChE Annual Meeting

CACHE President’s Presentation at AIChE Annual Meeting
Marianthi Ierapetritou

AIChE-NSF Workshop on Aligning Industry and Academic Goals
Phil Westmoreland

Smart Manufacturing NSF Workshop
James Davis and Tom Edgar

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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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