CACHE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit that promotes the development and distribution of computer-related and/or technology-based educational aids for the chemical engineering profession.  Some of the activities include:

  • Organize and promote conferences and workshops on Computer Aided Process Operations/Chemical Process Control, Computer Aided Process Design, Molecular Modeling and Simulation, Systems Biology in Engineering, and Process Analytics and Machine Learning.
  • Maintain a Teaching Resource Center: This center ( houses a curated collection of materials to assist faculty in teaching chemical engineering core courses.
  • Provide faculty grants to support development of computer-based educational modules (
  • Support faculty awards: ASEE Edgar CACHE Award, AIChE Himmelblau Award, AIChE Evans Award  
  • Provide graduate student travel awards: over $40,000 in last three years for conferences
  • Provide student awards for best posters at conferences

Some recent accomplishments:

Future Initiatives:

  • Industrial Datasets – Making curated sets available to faculty.
  • Molecular Modeling – working to develop curated best practices and teaching materials on how to use quantum chemistry, molecular simulation and machine learning.

Reading Materials

The Integrative Approach of Learning Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by Using Simulation-Based Exercises
Krunal J. Suthar, Milind H. Joshipura
Education for Chemical Engineers
Saturday, September 9, 2023
educational technology
Enhancement of efficiency of the training process with the use of digital technologies
Roman Barashkin, Aynagul Nurguatova, Pavel Kalashnikov, Dinara Taktasheva, Anton Tupysev
Education for Chemical Engineers
Monday, September 4, 2023
A Digital-Twin Approach to Distillation Control Education
Isuru A. Udugama, Michael A. Taube and Brent Young
The Chemical Engineer
Thursday, August 31, 2023
educational technology
An interactive graph resource for chemical engineering teaching
Thomas L. Rodgers, Philip Bolton, Percy van der Gryp
Education for Chemical Engineers
Monday, August 28, 2023
SPyCE: A Structured and Tailored series of Python Courses for (Bio)Chemical Engineers
Fiammetta Caccavale, Carina L. Gargalo, Krist V. Gernaey, Ulrich Krühne
Education for Chemical Engineers
Thursday, August 24, 2023


conference series in areas of importance to chemical engineering

for faculty candidates and ChemE departments to find or fill faculty openings

Development of Computational-Based Tools and Modules for Chemical Engineering Education

Teaching Resources Center including syllabi, schedules, computer-aided tools, interactive simulations, screencasts, concept questions, textbook information, useful links, and in some cases, complete course notes

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Contact Us

CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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