conference series in areas of importance to chemical engineering
CACHE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit that promotes the development and distribution of computer-related and/or technology-based educational aids for the chemical engineering profession. Some of the activities include:
Some recent accomplishments:
Future Initiatives:
CACHE Trustee Eva Sorensen honored for her services to chemical engineering educationWednesday, June 21, 2023Prof. Eva Sorensen was awarded a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in King Charles’ first Birthday Honours for outstanding services to Education and Chemical engineering. Read More |
Welcome to the 5 new CACHE trustees who joined in 2023!Wednesday, June 7, 2023John Hedengren (Brigham Young University), Conchita Jimenez-Gonzalez (GSK), Jim Pfaendtner (N.C. State University), Cristina Thomas (3M, retired), and Victor Zavala (University of Wisconsin) joined the CACHE Board of Trustees in 2023. Read More |
CACHE Trustee and Secretary Mario Eden appointed dean of Auburn's College of EngineeringFriday, April 14, 2023Eden began serving in his new role effective May 15, 2023. Read More |
CACHE trustee Jim Pfaendtner named Dean of the College of Engineering at N.C. StateThursday, April 13, 2023Prior to joining N.C. State, Jim served as chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington. Read More |
CACHE Trustee Francis J. Doyle III appointed provost of Brown UniversityThursday, December 15, 2022Francis J. Doyle III, CACHE trustee since 1999 and former CACHE President (2008-2009), has been appointed provost of Brown University. Read More |
conference series in areas of importance to chemical engineering |
for faculty candidates and ChemE departments to find or fill faculty openings |
Development of Computational-Based Tools and Modules for Chemical Engineering Education |
Teaching Resources Center including syllabi, schedules, computer-aided tools, interactive simulations, screencasts, concept questions, textbook information, useful links, and in some cases, complete course notes |
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