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Winter 2011 Newsletter


The CACHE Corporation
CACHE Trustees
CACHE Task Forces and Committees
Industrial Supporters of CACHE
Chemical Engineering Departments Supporting CACHE

Comments from the Editors



Duncan Mellichamp Receives 2010 ASEE-CACHE Award

Michael Cutlip and Mordechai Shacham Win David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education

A Free Nonlinear Estimation and Equation Solving Subprogram for VBA
E. M. Rosen

CACHE Trustees Cummings and Edgar Win AIChE Awards

Ideas to Consider for New Chemical Engineering Educators: Part 1. Courses Offered Earlier in the Curriculum
Jason Keith, David L. Silverstein, Donald P. Visco, Jr.
(reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

An Undergraduate Course in Modeling and Simulation of Multiphysics Systems
Estanislao Ortiz-Rodriguez, Jorge Vazquez-Arenas, Luis A. Ricardez-Sandoval
(reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)

Introducing Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Strategic Considerations in Engineering Design
Georgis Kosmoopoulou, Chintamani Jog, Margaret Freeman, and Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
(reprinted with permission by Chemical Engineering Education)


AIChE Session on Simulation Based Engineering and Science (SBES)

Overview Session 1 -- High Fidelity Micro, Macro and Multi-scale Modeling, Simulation in Discovery and Innovation Inventing a New America through Discovery and Innovation in Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Peter Cummings and Sharon Glotzer (note large file - 80 MB)

Petascale High-Fidelity Simulation of Turbulent Reactive Flows: Challenges and Opportunities
Jacqueline Chen (article currently unavailable)

Integrated, High Fidelity, Multiscale Process Models for the Process Industries
Chau-Chyun Chen

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security
John Allison

Session 2 -- Smart Systems, Operations and Management Smart Manufacturing Workgroup: The Motivation, Vision, and Call to Action for Capital Programs and Process, Batch and Discrete Manufacturing
Jim Porter

Unit Operations for Smart Nanomanufacturing
Roger T. Bonnecaze

Smart Manufacturing: The Energy and Environment Imperative
Tariq Samad

Sustainability and Systems Engineering : Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Chemical Plants
Jeff Siirola

Session 3 -- Workshop on Defining National Involvement, Education, Policy and Education as Institute Activities Framing Workshop Objectives for Determining AIChE Institute Roles in Simulation Based Engineering and Science
Bond Callaway

Council on Competitiveness -- The Council on Competitiveness Initiative on US Manufacturing
Cynthia McIntyre (article currently unavailable)

Federal Agency View of Simulation Based Engineering and Science
Clark Cooper

Confex Survey's Energy, Computing & Sustainability
Jim Davis

Implementing 21st Century Smart Manufacturing; An Actionable Program Agenda; "Meaningful Use" Priorities & Metrics; Recommendations on a Public-Private Partnership Program
Jim Davis and Tom Edgar

National Manufacturing Initiatives Underpinned by SBE&S
Jim Davis


CACHE Session at AIChE Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT, November 10, 2010

ASEE-CACHE Award: Computing in Chemical Engineering Education: From Mainframes to Main Street
Duncan A. Mellichamp

POLYMATH -- the Present, the New DIPPR Database Option and the Future of this Popular CACHE Numerical Problem-Solving Package
Michael B. Cutlip and Mordechai Shacham

A Student Competition to Develop a Chemical Engineering App for the iPhone
Peter T. Cummings and Clare McCabe

Energy Modules for the ChE Curriculum
Jason M. Keith, Thomas F. Edgar, Gavin P.Towler, H. Scott Fogler, David T. Allen, and Darlene Schuster

Preparing Secondary Teachers to Deliver Design-Based Engineering Courses with Chemical Engineering Content
David T. Allen

ChemSep, COCO and Formula Based Unit Operation Tools
Jasper M. Van Baten, Harry Kooijman, and Ross Taylor


New Trustees

James Davis -- UCLA

Rafiqul Gani -- Danish Technical Institute

Steve Zitney -- National Energy Technology Laboratory


Trustees La Roche and Venkatasubramanian Step Down as CACHE Trustees

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P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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